Acquisition of Memories and the Working Memory System

Select the BEST response alternative for each of the questions below.

1. According to the multi-modal memory model, when information first arrives, it is stored briefly in:
A) short-term memory.
B) sensory memory.
C) an attention buffer.
D) rehearsal loops.
2. When information first arrives through vision or hearing, the "raw" sensory form is referred to as ________ for visual content and ________ for auditory content.
A) picture memory :: sound memory
B) rapid information :: slow information
C) iconic memory :: echoic memory
D) sight :: sound
3. Why is the term "working memory" preferred over "short-term memory" even though they are supposed to refer to the same thing?
A) We use "working memory" to refer to human memory, while "short-term memory" is used when describing animal memory.
B) The original model of memory used "short-term memory" and it was changed to "working memory" to better emphasize that it was an updated model.
C) The term to use depends on the type of research being performed. Active studies of memory use the term "working memory" while passive studies use the term "short-term memory."
D) The term "working memory" is used to better illustrate the function of that type of memory, it holds information that you are consciously working on at any given moment.
4. If a research volunteer is asked to listen to a list of random words, one word per second, and then asked to recall the words in the same order that they were presented, the volunteer is engaged in:
A) a serial recall task.
B) a fixed recall task.
C) a free recall task.
D) long-term memory research.
5. If a research volunteer is asked to listen to a list of random words, one word per second, and then asked to recall the words in any order they like, the volunteer is engaged in:
A) a serial recall task.
B) a fixed recall task.
C) a free recall task.
D) picture memory research.
6. When a research volunteer recalls the words from the task described in the previous question, it is likely that they will have pretty good recall of words from the beginning of the list relative to the middle of the list. This is called the:
A) recency effect.
B) primacy effect.
C) fixed recall effect.
D) serial position effect.
7. When a research volunteer recalls the words from the task described in the previous question, it is likely that they will have pretty good recall of words from the end of the list relative to the middle of the list. This is called the:
A) recency effect.
B) primacy effect.
C) fixed recall effect.
D) serial position effect.
8. A memory task in which participants read several sentences, and then immediately recall each sentence’s final word, is called:
A) the sentence span task.
B) a serial recall task.
C) a reading span task.
D) the dynamic memory measure.
9. Research suggests that the more effort you put into studying for an upcoming exam:
A) the better your exam grade will likely be.
B) the worse your exam grade will likely be.
C) will only benefit you if the exam topic is less familiar to you.
D) will have no little to effect on how well you perform on that exam.
10. According to Craik and Lockhart, memory is longer lasting if you code information into memory using:
A) preliminary processing.
B) simple identification.
C) semantic processing.
D) type 1 rehearsal.
11. Strategies that are used to improve memory are known as ________ strategies.
A) information processing
B) mnemonic
C) rote rehearsal
D) rote memorization
12. The best way to study/learn new material is:
A) Focus more on comprehension than on putting extra effort into trying to commit information to memory.
B) Use rote repetition when reviewing learned material not when trying to initially learn it.
C) Space your study habits out over multiple days rather than cramming all of your studying into one long session.
D) All of the above.

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