Select the BEST response alternative for each of the questions below.

1. Which is important in an experiment:
A) Control group.
B) Independent variable(s).
C) Random sample.
D) All of the above.
2. Which is an important aspect of a theory?
A) Simplicity.
B) Complexity.
C) Productivity.
D) Both (a) and (c).
3. Which is not a way to rule out alternative explanations?
A) Control groups.
B) Controls for stimulus leakage.
C) Double-blind procedures.
D) Control the results.
4. What does Occam's Razor mean?
A) The simplest explanation is most likely to be correct.
B) The most complicated explanation is likely to be correct.
C) There is an impossible explanation.
5. During a double-blind study, who knows what treatment the participants are getting?
A) The experimenter(s).
B) The participant(s).
C) Neither the experimenter(s) nor the participant(s).
6. According to the burden of proof, whose job is it to prove a claim is true?
A) The person who makes the claim.
B) Any person who already believes the claim.
C) The person who does not believe (questions) the claim.
7. What is Carl Sagan's rule, known as "Sagan's Balance?"
A) The FEDS Standard.
B) Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
C) Get a full night of sleep the night before a Dr. Paul lecture
D) Have an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.
8. What is Occam's Razor?
A) A theory that states that unfalsifiable beliefs have great potential for unconstrained growth, since the belief is protected from challenge.
B) What handsome Dr. Paul (or anyone else as handsome as he) uses to shave his handsome head.
C) A statement that says the best explanation is the one that requires the fewest assumptions.
D) A theory on gravity based on the event horizon of a black hole.
9. Which one of the following is NOT one of the four criteria for judging the adequacy of theories?
A) Comprehensiveness.
B) Subject Matter.
C) Falsifiability.
D) Simplicity.
10. What type of variable is something that isn't changed by other variables you might measure?
A) Dependent Variable.
B) Independent Variable.
C) Nusiance Variable.
D) None of the above.
11. What is NOT one of the three common ways that you must test a hypothesis?
A) Asking the right question.
B) Ruling out alternative explanations.
C) Testing the right people.
D) Denying others' right to test.
12. What term is defined as stating that the best explanation is the one that requires the fewest assumptions?
A) Occam's razor.
B) Anomaly.
C) Paradigm.
D) Stimulus leakage.
13. A true scientist is ________-minded ________ thinker.
A) an open; critical
B) a closed; critical
C) an open; repetitive
D) a closed; repetitive
14. A scientific observation must be ________ and ________.
A) public; replicable
B) public; private
C) private; replicable
D) private; valid
15. One way to increase representativeness is to select a ________ sample.
A) random
B) biased
C) stimulus
D) double-blind
16. If a test yields a similar score over and over, the test is said to be:
A) replicable.
B) reliable.
C) valid.
D) scientific.
17. Which of the following is NOT true about what participants should be included in a study?
A) The sample should be random from the population
B) The sample should be representative of the population in which one is interested
C) The sample should be unbiased
D) The sample should always be relatively small and manageable in size
E) None of the above (all are true).
18. The F in "F-Question" stands for:
A) Frequency.
B) Function.
C) Falsifiability.
D) Fact.
19. What is a very good indicator as to whether a theory is scientific or pseudoscientific?
A) It sounds technical.
B) Whether or not it has changed and grown over time.
C) It seems intuitively true.
D) All of the above.
20. Which of the following is not an element of observational science?
A) Operational definitions.
B) Public and replicable measures.
C) No funding.
D) Reliable and valid measures.
21. What does FEDS stand for?
A) Federal, error, darkness, stagnant.
B) Full, encrypt, disguise, silence.
C) Focus, empty, deceiving, sloppiness.
D) Fraud, error, deception, sloppiness.
22. When a study has inadequate ________ controls, the possibility exists for stimulus leakage.
A) independent
B) dependent
C) double-blind
D) representative
23. Good theories have:
A) Wide scope.
B) Narrow scope.
C) Lots of assumptions.
D) Unfalisifiability.
24. The belief that because something appears to work, the assumptions must be true, is called the ________ Fallacy.
A) Post Hoc
B) Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
C) Pragmatic
D) Unfalsifiability
25. In a double-blind study:
A) Only people who have lost their eyesight can be tested.
B) Neither the hypothesis nor the prediction of the experiment is known.
C) The experimenter cannot be in any contact with the participants and vice versa.
D) Neither the experimenter nor the participants know what treatments the participants are exposed to.

End of Quiz!

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