Are you an A student?


For each statement, choose the response alternative that most closely matches your ACTUAL behavior. That is, answer based on your actual scholastic habits, rather than how you WISH, or would LIKE, to behave.

  1. I read the chapter before we discuss it in class.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  2. I finish my class assignments at least three days before they are due.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  3. When I study for an exam, I spread it out, maybe one or two hours a day, every day for at least a week before the exam.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  4. I re-copy my notes to make them neater as soon as I can after the lecture.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  5. When I finish a paper, I proof-read it at least twice, AND get someone else to look it over for me before I turn it in for a grade
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  6. It is important to me to learn how the material in each chapter relates to earlier and later chapters.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  7. I attend every class every day during the semester.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  8. I go to the library to find and read additional information about the topics I am learning about.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  9. I visit with the course instructor (during office hours or by appointment) to clarify and expand on issues from class.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  10. I ask questions as soon as they occur to me in class, rather than wait and try to figure out the answers on my own.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  11. Even when there is no exam coming up, I study for about an hour at least five days a week for each class I'm taking.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  12. When studying for an exam, in addition to reviewing the material, I try to guess (or make up) reasonable questions that I think might be on the exam.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  13. When studying for an exam, I study with other (serious) students so that I can go over difficult concepts with them and we can quiz each other on the material.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  14. In my classes where I am allowed to select my own seat, I sit as close to the front of the room as I reasonably can.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  15. In class, I listen to the lecture rather than write every little detail down in my notes.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  16. When I study, I find a quiet place that is free from distractions (like the library, or a quiet study room somewhere).
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  17. When I study, I try NOT to cover similar topics back-to-back. Instead, I review material that is as different as possible from the class for which I was just studying.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  18. When I study, I do so at about the same time every day, or at least, I follow a regular schedule when I study.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  19. During exams, I double-check to make sure that I didn't skip any questions, and make sure that I followed all instructions correctly.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

  20. I double-check my graded exam to make sure that there are no grading mistakes as well as to review what my weak areas are so that I can work on them.
      a) Always describes my behavior.
      b) Usually describes my behavior.
      c) Sometimes describes my behavior.
      d) Rarely describes my behavior.
      e) Never describes my behavior.

Here is a resource that you might find helpful: What Every Student Should Know About Study Skills

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