Advice to Students Page

The plan is for this page to provide students with a variety of helpful links and pages having to do with both undergraduate and graduate school.

Please feel free to post a question (80 character limit):

Undergraduate Related Topics:

  1. Short essays that I think are worth reading In particular, check out:
  2. Are YOU an A student? Take this quiz and find out.
  3. How should grades be interpreted? Ever wonder what the difference between an A and a B (etc.) really means --or SHOULD mean-- to a teacher and a student?
  4. Don't be the stereotypical student!
  5. Study tips!
  6. MORE study tips! Actually more like a trouble-shooting guide.
  7. Test taking advice!
  8. What to do to make yourself more competitive for grad-school (jobs, etc.).
  9. Top 20 things to do to keep your GPA as LOW as possible!
  10. What you may be doing WRONG in the classroom!
  11. What's the deal with getting letters of recommendation?
Graduate School Related Topics:
  1. What are some good books for finding out about psychology graduate programs, etc.?
  2. Here's a ranking of the top 185 PhD programs.
  3. Dr. Armstrong's advice to students interested in grad-school.
  4. Should I go for a Master's degree or a Doctoral degree?
  5. Should I go for a Psy.D. or a Ph.D.?
  6. Here is a nice resource for seeing what sorts of jobs there are, etc.
  7. What's a Post-Doc?
  8. What is (and what goes into) a vita?
  9. How do I choose a graduate school advisor/mentor?

References & Suggested Readings